Spring 2012

Spring 2012
Spring 2012

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May Chamber Meeting Minutes

May 6th, 2016
Attendees: Steve Schenewerk, Sandy Lipphardt, Michelle Waggoner, Morgan Asten, Kevin Miller, Mandy Johnson, Mike Winters, Josh Dahlenburg, Andrew Fish, Nancy Beiter
Meeting called to order at 730 am
Sandy moved to approve the meeting minutes from April, Steve Seconded
Treasurer report:
$24,158 another room tax check will be received in June & we have an additional $115 for the scholarship report.
Sandy motioned to pass the budget, and Andrew seconded it.
The park has been approved, just waiting for the Archeological report to be completed in order to proceed.
Trader Day: Water, Chips and Charge $3.00 we will need 100 burgers and all the supplies.
Josh will be putting together the trader day maps
June 5th is the deadline to register for Trader Day
Andrew will make sure the word is out via social media
Mike will make sure to get it out the radio
Nancy will be attending a city council meeting to reserve the gazebo for the event.
Flower Baskets: they have started going up, thank you Chris Stanfill; Herb Young and Walt Taylor for your help in making this be so successful. Still waiting on the brackets from the HS to get the remainder of the baskets up to fill in the gaps.
Andrew has secured our sites for the web pages Winston chamber. Org; .net; and .com
Andrew s proposing to just add news and events and the calendar directly to the webpage vs sending out a monthly new letters; he will still send out the ones with no access to social media or email; deadline for the newsletter event and information is the third Saturday of every month.  Steve motioned the approval and Morgan Seconded the motion.
Business of the Month will go to Second Wind Wellness Center; motioned by Steve and seconded by Sandy.
Andrew - May 28th is Mental Health Awareness
Steve – World Changers is coming up; asking for donations and the use of extra ladders if you have one available to lend for the week.  Steve requested a $200 donation from the chamber.  Batemans provides Breakfast and Dinner the church does 150 lunches a day. Mandy Motioned to bump the donation up to $500 and Sandy seconded the motion.
The World Changers block party will be held June 29th @ Winston Four Square.
Business after hours for Andrew in the next month; Cardinal later in the year.
No Economic Development the month of May
Sandy and Josh have worked on a solution to fill the gaps in our city with Banners; the chamber will use the existing banners previously purchased but not renewed and cover the sponsored by name up with the Winston Dillard Chamber.  Josh will purchase one and donate the time to change the others.  Steve motioned to approve and Mandy Second the motion.
Next General meeting is May 24th @ Carlos; guest speaker New City Manager Mark Bower.
Meeting adjourned 840am

Mandy Johnson

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mental Health Awareness Event

5/28/2016 9 am-11 am at Winston Foursquare Gospel Center
Second Wind Wellness Center and Second Wind Mental Health are reaching out to the community for Mental Health Awareness month! If you have any general questions about mental health please see the event details for more information.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Trader Day

Trader Day sponsored by the Winston Chamber of Commerce

June 11th 9 am-4 pm
This event is a city wide yard sale sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. 
Both spaces will be available at Wayside Park behind City Hall for $15.00. 
If you would like to have your sale at home there is a $2.00 fee to get on the map. 
Cheeseburgers will be available at the Chambers booth in Wayside Park. 
All Fees must be paid by Thursday June 9th. 
Please pay at the Vistors Center and contact them if you have any questions. 541-679-0118 or info@winstonchamber.org

Moving Forward

Dear Winston Chamber and Community,

The world is growing, needs are changing, the way people interact is unlike any way ever before. We have been to the moon, we can talk visually with people all over the world in an instant, and we are in an age where you don't even need to leave your home to make a living. We have officially entered a technological age. We need to adapt so much if we have any hope of surviving the rapid changes that our world is facing. Our chamber and they way that we interact and promote each other is doing just that. We are updating our communications to help aid a new generation band together to promote strong economic growth and development. The main way we have begun to do this is by hiring Andrew Fish from Second Wind Wellness Center. Andrew has redeveloped our website and Facebook presence. The website has a fresh new look with updated features and resources. The site allows users to see a list of businesses who are in the chamber with links to that business' contact info and website. There is a current feed from Facebook where events are posted and shared as well as pictures from the community. This is just the surface of the possibilities we hope to achieve over the next several years. Another change we are implementing is that we will be posting all articles that were being sent out in the monthly newsletter on this blog on the website. Also this blog will have upcoming events and any information necessary for the public to know. More information and changes are coming so keep your eyes peeled! Lets work together to help make Winston the city it deserves to be!

Your Editor
Andrew Fish