May 5, 2017 7:37 am
Attendees: Josh, Steve, Nancy, Sandra, Sandy, Mike F.,
Michelle, Morgan, Wayne, Kevin, Mandy, Mike W., Gary Leif, Andrew and Valynn
Review and approved minutes with minor change on the “two
black lines” in the treasure report to read “Two Black Linens”
Treasurer Report- currently there are $20,373.16 in the bank
after the purchase of the new watering vehicle.
Michelle had a few checks to provide for payment today.
Discussion on what to do with existing watering vehicle;
Sandra made the motion to donate to Wintergreen Nursery, was in favor. The old water cart was donated to Wintergreen
Steve made the motion all in favor for Josh to order new
100-gal water tank, pump and hoses for the new watering cart.
Economic Development: RDI Report most common finding is way
finding signs, items and committees formed to present and gather information at
the business summit which is TBD by Mark Bauer City Manager. Next Economic Development meeting will be May
10th at 12P @ Winston City Hall.
Wayne has been working with Interseshen to find out the
about where our posters are at, they were supposed to be completed by Spring
Break, but there has been no proof provided for approval. Wayne will follow up
this week, ask to see a proof, or ask for a release of design.
Wayne visited some local businesses and asked a few
questions to gauge the community on what they think the Chamber does for them
or is beneficial;
Questions were- Are you a member of the Chamber? What do you think the Chamber does for the
community: How do you think the Chamber
can improve? What events would you like the Chamber to do? Wayne will put together a presentation that
will be delivered at the Chamber General meeting on May 23, 2017 @ 6pm at the
Community Baptist Church.
Other presenters at the General meeting will be Kevin Miller
on the new Strive for 5 and the new bond.
The Chamber will now have an Ad in the Roseburg Visitors
Guide; the cost was significantly reduced to allow us to participate. $330 for the year.
Edie Young has requested the chamber to purchase a piece of
equipment for the park for ages 5-10 would be most helpful. This is tabled until we figure out expenses
associated with the update to Kyham.
4th of July committee has requested donations for
the fireworks again this year; sandy motion that we continue with our regular
$1000 donation to the fourth of July fireworks; all approved.
Bids for Kyham from Knife River Asphalt $8700 and concrete
at $6200, Mandy will reach back out to Tom at Knife River for clarification on
the concrete bid since it doesn’t specify that removal and installation are
included; will also ask about Stamped Concrete.
Couple of Names provided are Mike Smith 541-643-8473 & Bobby
Geyer. Mandy will gather more bids from
different contractors and electricians and put this in motion to hopefully have
completed in June.
Trader Days is June 3rd- Nancy will only be
helping with marking spaces. Now what
will the chamber do? WE are discussing
Hamburgers and Hotdogs; Sherri @ the VIC will have maps and start gathering
names for Maps, to be included on the map the cost has been increased this year
to $2; will need help to set up booth spaces.
Winston Day of Caring is May 20th 9-12; ICE is
also May 20th tickets on sale now.
Meeting adjourned 832am
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