Go Team Minutes 6-14-16
Members in Attendance:
Sandra Thorn, Page Thorn, Sandy Lipphardt, Sharon Harrison, Chris
Berquist, Steve Schenewerk, Clay Caldwell, Mo Nichols, Edie Young, Jeremy
Gilliam, Amanda Close, Kerry Dwight, Jacob Schlueter and Della Harp
Current and
upcoming Events/Updates
The Blue Jean Ball (fundraiser for the parks) is looking for
sponsorships-please take a look at the attached flyer. The Chamber has taken on the Marquis Sponsor
for this event.
The mid-year check in for the goal setting will be
mid-July-Jeremy will be putting together road map to present.
The World Changer is coming in two weeks-please check in
with Steve S. for any questions and to offer support/supplies
The Day of Caring information for the Go Team will be going
to Jeremy Mitchell for compilation
Melon Festival Summer Night Cruise will be July 9th-Della
will be handling the table for Go Team-volunteers are needed for event and Go
Team Table
July 4th Go team table will be handled by Sandra
Thorn-possibly from 12-5:00
Wildlife Safari event-Wildland of Umpqua-October 14-16-an
off-season event with festival, wine and art walk with partners. Looking for co-sponsors that can offer
support in a variety of manners-whatever people want to offer-contact Jacob
Schlueter if you are interested in getting involved. Go Team included letter of support for grant
from the City of Roseburg for event
Follow-up on
meeting with WASP for 501 (c) (3)-to see if there can be a partnership instead
of creating another 501-c-3
Tentative schedule for 6/23 at Creative Catering at noon Sandy
L. will follow-up with scheduling
Plan for
volunteering at events for Go Team
Della will bring sign-up sheets to the next meeting to
review and sign up. Please email with
events. Kerry will print up more cards
Supplies for tabling events located at Oregon Door-no
specific contact- whoever is at the reception desk. Best to contact a couple of
days in advance to get supplies.
Volunteer contacts
for people who have already signed up and are waiting to volunteer. Jeremy Mitchell has info-Della will follow-up
with setting up calling time and scripts to get people referred to best group
for fit.
Color Run-Sunday,
Sept 18, 2016-To compliment Melon Festival
Brandy and Leo will help.
But do not want to handle the whole thing. Sandra will contact Dianne Smith from Health
Improvement about possibly taking that on.
Angelia freeman might also be another option-please be thinking about
others who might be able to take this on and let the group know.
OPRD Grant Update
A local group went to present before the granting committee
in Salem as they were on the list of finalists for the updates to the restrooms
at Riverbend Park. Mark Bauer, Winston
City Manager, worked with the group to create and rehearse presentation which
was very well received by the committee.
A decision should be made by June 29, 2016—Great work team!!!
Meeting day
change-The meeting will be changing from the 2nd Tuesday to the 2nd
Thursday next month at 8:00 and will be working with Oregon Door to move some
meetings there. Updates to come!!!