July 8, 2016
Attendees: Mandy Johnson, Steve Schenewerk, Mike Winters,
Morgan Asten, Michelle Waggoner, Sandy Lipphardt, Valynn Currie, Sherri
Standley, Kevin Miller, Andrew Fish, Josh Dahlenburg
Treasurer Report- loss of $38.65 for trader day’s. Valynn moves
to approve treasurer report, Andrew seconds.
Sandy reports that Andy Howell was officially promoted as
the public works Superintendent.
Economic Development: July 13th meeting with
RDI-helps updating plan for the City. Valynn moves to select the $1000 option
to bring in top level professionals to put in motion a plan to improve the
City. Steve 2nds the motion and the
Chamber will pay for a Level 1.
Business of the Month: voted to be Wild Life Inn
Chamber Promotion- Graffiti 5-9 July 9th; chamber
members will be at the VIC to sell Hamburgers; agreed to increase the sales to
Morgan mentioned to look at purchasing a new golf cart, Josh
made mention of an ATV. Board discussed,
and agreed to baby the existing golf cart along and look at other options in
the fall, when the cart is not needed for watering.
No General Business meeting in July
Greeters: Business After hours scheduled for Second Wind
wellness Center on August 4th @ 6pm; Discussion of new owners Kelly
and Suzie of Winston Donuts.
New business: Welcome to Winston Project for new people new
to the area, they put bags together to welcome new comers to Winston, Businesses
can put business cards inside the bags for new residents to receive information
on the local businesses; Chamber provide bags, it’s in the budget for $200.
Melon Festival- Does the Chamber want to have a booth there,
NO; Talk to GO Team and ask to display info about the city.
Meeting adjourned at 840am
Next Board Meeting will be held September 9th due
to the Holiday/back to school being on the 2nd.